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Showing posts from November, 2021

NUS Module Review: GEH1049 Public Health, GEH1074 Luck, GET1020 Darwin

I have just finished my exams and here I'm writing module reviews because of some recent changes. This is for people considering which Unrestricted Electives or General Education Modules to take. Usually, the people who survived the module would write module reviews, please do note that there are also non-survivors and do choose wisely! (anthropic bias). I took 3 GEs in this semester with 31MCs overload. These UEs are ok/easy to score As.  page views as of 6/8/23 1.  GEH1049/GEC1015 Public Health in Action AY21/22 Sem 1 Assessment Components and Weightage  4MCs  Group Assignments 1 15% Group Assignment 2 20% Graded Peer Review 5% Research Skills Quiz 5% Week 9  Public Health Lecture Quiz 15% Week12 Final Assignment 40% Week 11-13 +Lectures were pre-recorded and you can enjoy watching them in your free time. +There were no tutorials. -The lecture content would be tested in the Week 12 Quiz, unlike the previous years.  The group assignments and the final...